Sunday, March 17, 2024

Interesting new place!

 Got to check out Khatou station since I was in the area! It’s a great place! An old Commonwealth asteroid mine which has been reconverted into a really cool garden!

They got all these different areas that show different areas of Cupin, this one was the jungle and it was super cool. I oughta take some of my friend’s who grew up on Cupin (you know who you are) to see if they think it’s accurate. 


  1. Looks to be a 6/10. The lack of any clear condensation or humidity eliminates the experience of clouds or a actual true sub-tropical or tropical jungle. Also no retinal so even more points deductions.

    1. Ive heard that's something they are working on, Ive heard on the news the new area they are constantly expanding further into the mine, Apparently they want to make a Hemu section with an "Authentic Sky" Curious what that could mean.

    2. I've heard about it too, I'm near the area and have seen construction equipment coming in and out. I'm not supposed to speak publicly about my jobs, but I gotta help pull in a cargo ship from Cupin full of animals. No clue how they got them out here :P


Maintenance Problems, plz help!

  Hey out there! Does anyone else have a ship with a solid-core reactor? I have one on mine and it doesn’t seem to be generating enough elec...