Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Getting around and used to things

 Recently, I stayed a few weeks on the Metroplex at a friend's apartment, and during my time there, I learned a few things! The Metroplex was the first space station in the Belt, but also the first space station with a built in metro system! 

The main line runs in a circle around the equator of the station, due to the nature of the station, the "underground" railway tracks actually run over your head! Since the tracks are closer to the core of the asteroid, you feel less gravity than you would on the street,  but it's a nice relief for someone who isn't necessarily used to gravity in the first place! (me :P) 

Work's been pretty slow recently, so I think I'll be spending more time on the Metroplex in the future. Until then i'm gonna see if I can train my legs to be better acclimated to gravity! (I never thought I'd have to re-learn how to walk!) 

Here's a picture of one of the Metroplex subway trains, they look pretty old, but then it would be pretty pricy to replace them.


  1. My dad loves the Metroplex subway! He's always spoken fondly of it. Often, he'd tell me about the times he went on it as a kid with his family.

  2. If you're looking for a way to get more acclimated to places with stronger gravity, I do remember that the Metroplex has some "Gravity Therapy" Facilites that are connected to the PASO stellar medical institute. Essentially it's a big set of hamster wheel type things that are big enough to produce gravitational forces similar to that on Cupin. I remember PASO actually sold a few of those to some of the cities on Tycho, actually. They're a great way to get better situated in such spaces.

    1. I tried those and I ended up seeing the Gyro I had for lunch that day splattered all over the wall.

    2. Oh lord, I forgot that can happen when you first use them! We had to use them for mandatory training to get our transporter verification process completed, and that happens to quite a lot of people, actually!


Maintenance Problems, plz help!

  Hey out there! Does anyone else have a ship with a solid-core reactor? I have one on mine and it doesn’t seem to be generating enough elec...