Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Asteroid Hiking

 I've heard that some daring people go hiking on asteroids! It sounds really fun, you'd think that you see all there is too see from the comfort of your spaceship, but you get a whole new perspective on the surface! The terrain looks steep to climb though. I'm not one for mountain climbing, but it looks interesting :l


  1. How do you hike an asteroid in near Zero gravity? Would it be following a tether to reach the highest point of the asteroid or free of going to hopefully find a high point.

  2. From what i've seen in pictures, they wear special cleats on their boots which help them stick to the ground, sometimes there are "trails" as well which use a system of belays and shackles. A friend of mine enjoys asteroid hiking and he says to always bring enough Monopropellant and maneuvering equipment (some consider this cheating)


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  Hey out there! Does anyone else have a ship with a solid-core reactor? I have one on mine and it doesn’t seem to be generating enough elec...