Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Any Questions!

 Hey all! As many of you know, it gets lonely out here in space...

I know not a lot of people read my little blog, but if any of you do and wanna chat, feel free to say something in the comments! 

I'll try and respond as quickly as I can, the distance can mean sometimes some of your messages take awhile to get to me, but I'm patient! :D 


  1. Why don't you clean your damn suit before entering the station

  2. some of us take showers using water like normal people :) <3

  3. Hi Starla, big fan of yours! I was wondering why you're called Starla, was that a nickname somebody gave you?

  4. Well, after a while getting called "Lindsay" gets old :I , Starla has been a nickname ever since childhood, I forgot where it came from though. I started calling myself Starla after I started living solo!


Maintenance Problems, plz help!

  Hey out there! Does anyone else have a ship with a solid-core reactor? I have one on mine and it doesn’t seem to be generating enough elec...