Sunday, April 28, 2024



Okay so if you are ever in the PAZ, or by the Metroplex you GOTTA check out Elchi'po's!

 (Metroplex Ring 4, B-1.2) It is this GREAT Krislavakan diner with authentic food. It's superb. 

It is one of the few places outside of Cupin where you can get ACTUAL traditional food! These are REAL tacos made with REAL beef by REAL people (sorry Noodle). 

Tacos (and other foods) were designed with gravity in mind, so they can only really be enjoyed when there's something to pull it down y'dig?  I haven't had food this good in AGES and you certainly can't get food like this on my ship (once again, sorry noodle). 

The staff were so friendly, it is run by this sweet family. They spoke Novarskan pretty well, but through a thick accent (so you know the food's gonna be good). 

I got the Adi'po which is a lamb meat taco topped with lettuce and cheese, dunked in this bone-broth stew. It was SUPER good. The sauce was like nothing i've ever had before, and the Lamb, it tasted so REAL!

I asked our waitress and she said it was because they use actual animals sourced from farms in the PAZ (instead of lab grown meat). 

Sadly, rare eats like this come at a premium. The whole meal set me back about 35 Rall. I got my paycheck the other day so I was a little less frugal, and besides, I deserve a little treat.

I got the lunch with Naz, who helps me fix Noodle sometimes (I am NOT a computer whiz). I asked her if she thought the place reminded her of home (she is Kirslavak Mutt/Creole). She said that it sorta does. She said the most accurate part of it is the fact that the subway train runs right over the building, making the whole thing shake every 5 minutes.

Anyway, That was my food review, if anyone has any suggestions for any other places I should try, please let me know! I am always up to chow down!!

1 comment:

  1. I'll be paying next time, and hopefully I'm more presentable! Anyone reading this on the 'Plex, go to Elchi'po's when you get paid.


Maintenance Problems, plz help!

  Hey out there! Does anyone else have a ship with a solid-core reactor? I have one on mine and it doesn’t seem to be generating enough elec...