Saturday, March 9, 2024



You won't believe what I saw today! I was docked at the Metroplex for repair, and guess what was in the docking birth next to mine!



The Cometslayer, for those who are unfortunately unaware, was a racing ship, THE BEST RACING SHIP, EVER. It competed in such races as the Synadac 500, Anita loop, and the one THE ONLY Sam-Yellak championship!

After speaking some controversial opinions, the pilot, Kiti Starthurst, was kicked out of the Overreach Racing League along with her ship. Her replacement, Mikael Alqadhi is nothing but a two bit lackey!

Unfortunately, I never saw Kiti, and it makes me wonder, where is she? What is her ship doing here? 

Whatever she's doing, Consider me starstruck! 


  1. Isn't that the Ex-racer who's been buzzing PASO gunships in the Promian Administrative Region of The Belt?

  2. Buzzing PASO Gunships? No I didn't know about that! Whatever she's up to, I wanna get a chance to meet her! She's sorta my hero <3

    1. Well, if your goals are to rebel slightly against a large government, having your hero be a potential criminal is a step in the right direction.

  3. you don't know my goals! I'm mysterious >;]

    1. What you ARE, is somebody who lives in a small ship with little to no cargo space and doesn't decontaminate herself FULLY despite CLAIMING to take a shower before entering.

  4. What you ARE, is a little nosy. Mind your beeswax

    (what's beeswax?)

    1. Beeswax is a extract produced by small insects and is used to build combs that build up the structure of their hive. And also yes, I am nosy because you dock. At. My. SATATION.

  5. your what? Your station? Sorry couldn't hear you. With all your fancy tech over at Yolia, it's a shame they forgot an autocorrect :p

    1. [Message was censored by The Tri-Unions Diplomatic Services]

  6. Hello Starla, Ive come to remind you that you have a shipement of Plastic Adhesive to Station 546, You did not respond to my Email for 24 hours prompting this message, this is the 5th time this quarter you have ignored my emails and is not very professional of you. Thank you, -Dillon Naberwaker


Maintenance Problems, plz help!

  Hey out there! Does anyone else have a ship with a solid-core reactor? I have one on mine and it doesn’t seem to be generating enough elec...