Friday, March 8, 2024


Here's a thought, over the course of my life, I've been to many places across the system. But even in all of my travels, I have never once seen snow. I've seen it in pictures, it's white and sparkly :]. I've always wanted to feel snow, it looks really soft. I wanna know where I can find some, but I can't seem to find any in space.

What's snow like?


  1. It' experience to say the least. Alie brought me to the Kavlan city on Kaltam-Kamek and it there was a entire 'BLIZZARD' in the habitat. And its not soft at all; it is on first contact but after a period its like mud but cold.

  2. Wow! that's super cool! If I find myself near there again, i'll check it out!

    1. If you do Alie can guide you; I'll contact her and let you know you're coming when you plan to head to the colony.

    2. That reminds me, she contacted me on Chatster the other day asking how to set up a blog account, can you help her? I dunno how

    3. She's on route to Yolia right now anyways so I'll be able to when she gets here. Unfortunately I need to finish my shift first before seeing her again.

    4. If you're looking for other places with snow as well, two of Tycho's moons are actually ice moons! Tiarnas Dia and Kelvin 2-1B are a set of water moons with an ice sheet on top. Kelvin has slightly more of an atmosphere than Tiarnas Dia does, so they do have snow...however it's still not thick enough for non-pressurized walks on the surface. Tiarnas Dia tho has a these huge geysers that shoot out water that turns into snow, which is really cool to see in person, as the moon's literally generating it itself!


Maintenance Problems, plz help!

  Hey out there! Does anyone else have a ship with a solid-core reactor? I have one on mine and it doesn’t seem to be generating enough elec...