Thursday, March 28, 2024

strange dream...

I went to sleep during transit again, according to logs it lasted like 3 days, but I remember having this strange dream, I can't remember most of it, but i'll try to jot down what I remember :o

So I was in this big room full of other people, we were all sitting in these velvet seats. The room I remember was like golden, it had all these cool decorations on the sides which looked kinda old. 

We were all listening to this beautiful music coming from the front of the room (I couldn't remember what was making the music tho), I swear I remember seeing some of my friends, I looked down at myself and I was wearing this gorgeous purple gown (That's how I knew it was a dream, there's no way you'd catch me wearing that >:v)  

The music was very pretty, unlike anything i'd ever heard, however it felt so familiar at the same time. It sounded very regal and fancy. Like we were at a strange concert. And then this person came out on the stage! He was dressed really crazy, like super fancy. and he was singing! I don't remember what he was singing (or if he was even singing in Novarskan) But what I do remember is that everybody stood up and clapped! 

Then my dream got kind of fuzzy, I remember I was on the stage, and the crowd went silent, there was a knight, and the backdrop sorta looked like my old home, but there were like a bunch of stars... Then everything went white and I woke up. 



  1. Strange, but very interesting. Was I there in your dream?

  2. probably, I dunno, I feel like i'd remember if you were there, It didn't smell like the Digestor at all


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