Friday, March 22, 2024

Strange goings on

 So i'm wandering through Rilabad station, and I found some information about the place.

Apparently it was run by a company called Sienjay Mining, the mining rig I reboosted used to work for that Company. There's a plaque of the owner of the station, a guy by the name of Mario Verdeschi, he also looks like he was employee of the month, 8 times in a row. 

There's alot of medicine bottles floating around too, looks like some UNIVITALL and some painkillers... I'm wearing my spacesuit right now because the air is very thin in here. I think it's because the station has been abandoned, but all the lights are still on! 

Veeerrryyy creepy

I'm going to go find the ship repair section to see if I can find some sealant for the cracks in the Spirit of Fortune's cone. Luckily since it is made of ERC it should be an easy fix, even for me! >:) 


1 comment:

Maintenance Problems, plz help!

  Hey out there! Does anyone else have a ship with a solid-core reactor? I have one on mine and it doesn’t seem to be generating enough elec...