Thursday, March 7, 2024

Fed up with Bullship (hehe gettit)

The Spirit of Fortune, has pretty small radiators, they are enough to keep the reactor cool, but not necessarily enough to keep the hydrogen fuel chilled without serious (expensive) damage. The reactor is fitted to run on just about anything, but Hydrogen is the most available. Should I look for alternative fuel sources or just get a new ship? 

The Spirit of Fortune is an old ship I got from a friend a few years ago as a parting gift. It works alright, but it's trying to do so many things at once (switcher, salvage, tug) that it kinda fails at all of them.

 The cargo bay is too small to hold a lot of things, but at the same time, I can't help but feel that there's so much wasted space!

 The nose buffers don't always get the best connection on cargo, 

the oxygen filtration systems are shotty. 

Ugh I could go on and on!

 The ship is too big to be a good switcher, but its engines are too weak to be a good tug!!

ADDENDUM just checked my bank account. I don't think 3,000 dollars is enough for a new ship, but if I were to save for a rainy day, what ship should I look for? 


  1. Buy a Z type Switcher, support the efficient multi-purpose fleet engineering of the Union.

  2. wow, shocker.

    I like controlling ships with my brain IN my head thank you very much

    1. Well, virtually your brain is in the ship if you buy the Augmented Reality ship controls but otherwise, no. Your brain will fortunately (sadly) still be within your skull if you fly that classification of ship.

  3. Lu sometimes I wish your brain was out of your head

    1. Me too, I would like to feel my brain being scratched in a manner that does not damage it.

  4. If you need help with radiators, there's a shop near Centerpoint Station that sells replacements. I'm sure they might have something in stock that could help.

    1. Respectfully, Center-point station is a poor excuse for an attempt of astral-naval supremacy from the Republic Commonwealth. Going there to fix or replace ship parts would be like getting scammed by a street trader. Kavla or Metroplex are much more reliable stations.

  5. Centerpoint station? that's a ways a way, no thanks, but I appreciate the help :]


Maintenance Problems, plz help!

  Hey out there! Does anyone else have a ship with a solid-core reactor? I have one on mine and it doesn’t seem to be generating enough elec...