Thursday, March 28, 2024

strange dream...

I went to sleep during transit again, according to logs it lasted like 3 days, but I remember having this strange dream, I can't remember most of it, but i'll try to jot down what I remember :o

So I was in this big room full of other people, we were all sitting in these velvet seats. The room I remember was like golden, it had all these cool decorations on the sides which looked kinda old. 

We were all listening to this beautiful music coming from the front of the room (I couldn't remember what was making the music tho), I swear I remember seeing some of my friends, I looked down at myself and I was wearing this gorgeous purple gown (That's how I knew it was a dream, there's no way you'd catch me wearing that >:v)  

The music was very pretty, unlike anything i'd ever heard, however it felt so familiar at the same time. It sounded very regal and fancy. Like we were at a strange concert. And then this person came out on the stage! He was dressed really crazy, like super fancy. and he was singing! I don't remember what he was singing (or if he was even singing in Novarskan) But what I do remember is that everybody stood up and clapped! 

Then my dream got kind of fuzzy, I remember I was on the stage, and the crowd went silent, there was a knight, and the backdrop sorta looked like my old home, but there were like a bunch of stars... Then everything went white and I woke up. 


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Update, Fixed ship!

 Hey guys! Sorry it's been awhile, ran into a bit of trouble on that station, but I was able to pick up a repair kit for my ship! I'll have to use the Manipulator in order to use the tools I found, but other than that it should be an easy fix! I found this PDA with some cool information on it, half the log is in Arkadian (I took a class in college,  my translations are pretty rusty). It talked alot about cured meats and the smell of the air processing units on Rilabad, some stuff had some different writing on it, but I couldn't translate it, pretty weird :I. 

Other than being a sucker for gossip (and pretending to be a detective :o ) I snagged the PDA because it had this super cool game on it! Idk if any of you guys played Machania, but it's a total blast! Basically you match these tiles in a row to win points! But like you gotta go up against opponents which can be tough, theres online play if I recall correctly to (I mostly remember getting my ass kicked by Alie >:I) this seems to be a rare edition though, some of these features look different. 

Friday, March 22, 2024

Strange goings on

 So i'm wandering through Rilabad station, and I found some information about the place.

Apparently it was run by a company called Sienjay Mining, the mining rig I reboosted used to work for that Company. There's a plaque of the owner of the station, a guy by the name of Mario Verdeschi, he also looks like he was employee of the month, 8 times in a row. 

There's alot of medicine bottles floating around too, looks like some UNIVITALL and some painkillers... I'm wearing my spacesuit right now because the air is very thin in here. I think it's because the station has been abandoned, but all the lights are still on! 

Veeerrryyy creepy

I'm going to go find the ship repair section to see if I can find some sealant for the cracks in the Spirit of Fortune's cone. Luckily since it is made of ERC it should be an easy fix, even for me! >:) 


Rilabad station, creepy...

 Okay so I need to repair my ship so I stopped at this place, Rilabad Station, (See my previous posts, ignore the dream one :I) 

So I docked to the station, and it's a total ghost town! Nobody's home! I'm gonna go check out some of the other areas to see what's up, At least the lights are on here...

If anyone has any info about Rilabad Station, please lemme know! It's in the mining cluster in the Promian Administrative Region. 

Dream Log.

 Figured I'd start a dream log to keep track of my dreams when I go into sleep during travel.

This one was super cool but cut short because Lu-gal accidently almost started a system-wide war in MY comments section.

Anyway so It was about NICKLE BEN. It was so real! There I was! In the fields of Aeromouth, the city on fire, the sound of old-style planes overhead. And there he was, Neil Keelson *dreamy sigh* He picked me off my feet, literally, and we were like flying! it was crazy!!! and then I woke up to my notifications going off (whoops :P)









DELTA V 224.2 M/S




Dents! >:(

 Had to do some work reboosting a mining rig and I got dust and dents ALL over my ship! Ugh! >:( 

 The dents didn't do TOO much damage to my ship (The maneuvering thrusters still work, I think) According to Noodle, There is an outpost that I SHOULD be able to get some light repairs on. I don't know if it's still operated, but it's worth a shot! >:)

It's not too far away, so I'm gonna go and check it out!

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Asteroid Hiking

 I've heard that some daring people go hiking on asteroids! It sounds really fun, you'd think that you see all there is too see from the comfort of your spaceship, but you get a whole new perspective on the surface! The terrain looks steep to climb though. I'm not one for mountain climbing, but it looks interesting :l

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Getting around and used to things

 Recently, I stayed a few weeks on the Metroplex at a friend's apartment, and during my time there, I learned a few things! The Metroplex was the first space station in the Belt, but also the first space station with a built in metro system! 

The main line runs in a circle around the equator of the station, due to the nature of the station, the "underground" railway tracks actually run over your head! Since the tracks are closer to the core of the asteroid, you feel less gravity than you would on the street,  but it's a nice relief for someone who isn't necessarily used to gravity in the first place! (me :P) 

Work's been pretty slow recently, so I think I'll be spending more time on the Metroplex in the future. Until then i'm gonna see if I can train my legs to be better acclimated to gravity! (I never thought I'd have to re-learn how to walk!) 

Here's a picture of one of the Metroplex subway trains, they look pretty old, but then it would be pretty pricy to replace them.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Interesting new place!

 Got to check out Khatou station since I was in the area! It’s a great place! An old Commonwealth asteroid mine which has been reconverted into a really cool garden!

They got all these different areas that show different areas of Cupin, this one was the jungle and it was super cool. I oughta take some of my friend’s who grew up on Cupin (you know who you are) to see if they think it’s accurate. 

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Ship Warranty

 Had to replace the air filter for the cockpit on my ship today, turns out it was clogged with debris, when the maintenance crew pulled it out for me I immediately identified this substance as leftover Spray-Cheez. I don't know if this is under warranty though. Yikes!

Saturday, March 9, 2024



You won't believe what I saw today! I was docked at the Metroplex for repair, and guess what was in the docking birth next to mine!



The Cometslayer, for those who are unfortunately unaware, was a racing ship, THE BEST RACING SHIP, EVER. It competed in such races as the Synadac 500, Anita loop, and the one THE ONLY Sam-Yellak championship!

After speaking some controversial opinions, the pilot, Kiti Starthurst, was kicked out of the Overreach Racing League along with her ship. Her replacement, Mikael Alqadhi is nothing but a two bit lackey!

Unfortunately, I never saw Kiti, and it makes me wonder, where is she? What is her ship doing here? 

Whatever she's doing, Consider me starstruck! 

Friday, March 8, 2024


Here's a thought, over the course of my life, I've been to many places across the system. But even in all of my travels, I have never once seen snow. I've seen it in pictures, it's white and sparkly :]. I've always wanted to feel snow, it looks really soft. I wanna know where I can find some, but I can't seem to find any in space.

What's snow like?

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Just so we are on the same page

Some people have reached out to me saying that my ship, The Spirit of Fortune, looks suspiciously like a ship seen as part of the rebellion fleet that participated in the Tychian Revolution. 

This story is rather personal to me, so it takes alot to post this over the web

sooooo basically was a hostage during this revolution. A couple years ago, I was taking an internship at my parent's family business, (a little known company known as Kronos Mining), The insurgents targeted many of my parent's land-claims as a part of their war of nerves, (I mean they were kinda asking for it tho :I)

So then I was taken hostage by the revolutionaries, luckily, they did not harm me! They just sent me away on this ship after a battle. It was a long transit, but I ended up in the belt after a LONG trip and the rest is history!

TLDR I don't plan on taking a trip back to Caer Llan anytime soon! :P

Fed up with Bullship (hehe gettit)

The Spirit of Fortune, has pretty small radiators, they are enough to keep the reactor cool, but not necessarily enough to keep the hydrogen fuel chilled without serious (expensive) damage. The reactor is fitted to run on just about anything, but Hydrogen is the most available. Should I look for alternative fuel sources or just get a new ship? 

The Spirit of Fortune is an old ship I got from a friend a few years ago as a parting gift. It works alright, but it's trying to do so many things at once (switcher, salvage, tug) that it kinda fails at all of them.

 The cargo bay is too small to hold a lot of things, but at the same time, I can't help but feel that there's so much wasted space!

 The nose buffers don't always get the best connection on cargo, 

the oxygen filtration systems are shotty. 

Ugh I could go on and on!

 The ship is too big to be a good switcher, but its engines are too weak to be a good tug!!

ADDENDUM just checked my bank account. I don't think 3,000 dollars is enough for a new ship, but if I were to save for a rainy day, what ship should I look for? 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024



so it turns out beloved North Star born Actor and total hunk Neil Keelson struggled with the disease known as "Black Lung" during the Blacklung outbreak in the 2090s. Luckily he pulled through and made a quick recovery and was able to play Benji Killjoy in the cinematic period piece classic Nickle Ben. According to SOME people, Nickle Ben is nothing more than "dogshit covered cardboard", Well my erroneous adversary, I beg to differ.  The fact that Neil Keelson was able to play Benji in the first place is a testament to his dedication to the art. The story of Nickle Ben is one that harkens back to the ages of heroism and conquest. Killjoy's journey to find his missing cousin amidst a conquered Aeromouth. in fact, a direct parallel to the director, Kenny Nilford's battle with substance abuse in his early 20's. 

Sure the historical accuracy may not be on point (Believe me, I've gotten an earful from other, more history inclined friends) But it helps secure its place in the pseudo-surrealist movement in cinema around the turn of the century. 

My point is that Kenny Nilford's Nickle Ben is a masterpiece of 2090's pseudo-surrealist filmmaking and should NEVER be called "dogshit covered cardboard"

(It looks like my Intro to film criticism class I took is paying off :0)

Neil Keelson botox???

 So the other day I couldn't help but rewatch Doormat (for like, the 50th time). It's a rom-com/road trip movie starring Neil Keelson! (AKA Burt Langmere from Pinched!!!) Anyway, after watching it again and again and again, I couldn't help but realize he looked sort of different from his appearance on Pinched, I know the movie was filmed 2 years after the final season but he just sorta looks more jaded and f-ed up. 

I wonder what happened to the guy? 

If anyone knows, do tell! (I'm a big fan)


 Here's an OLD picture of the Metroplex space colony I took while on approach awhile back, right after I took this, I got a rude call from control saying I shouldn't come in so fast. Luckily, I learn from my mistakes (sometimes) so I've been more cautious since then.

Any Questions!

 Hey all! As many of you know, it gets lonely out here in space...

I know not a lot of people read my little blog, but if any of you do and wanna chat, feel free to say something in the comments! 

I'll try and respond as quickly as I can, the distance can mean sometimes some of your messages take awhile to get to me, but I'm patient! :D 

Weird thought

 So I've always heard people refer to some people in the Union as "Birds". I've only seen birds in pictures, but they don't really look that much alike. 

Then again, I've never seen a bird before. 

Have any of you? 

are they even real???

Bug :l

 So there's this weird bug with the log posting doo-dad. It keeps dating my blogs as being made in 2024. No clue why, but it's kinda weird. I'm not that old!

For the record, it's 2180, not 2024, just incase y'all were unsure, it isn't the dark ages anymore people!

Observations from telescope

 In my spare time, (which I have a LOT of!) I find myself aimlessly floating around my spaceship looking for things to do. My last job was retrieving a decommissioned space telescope in the belt. It looked pretty old, the registration said it was for P.L.A.M.O (whatever that is).

 I wasn't allowed to look at any of the leftover data left in its hard drives, but I'm sure it had all sorts of kooky stuff >:] 

Anyway, retrieving telescopes inspired me to try some stargazing of my own. I was pretty close to Al'Adimus at the time so I decided to gaze upon it's glassy, foggy, glory, it looks alot different from this far away. As a kid, it always hogged most of the sky, but now it's nothing more than a speck!

Anyhoo, here's some doodles I took of some of the moons I could observe from my telescope. Most of them are uninteresting rocks. But then again, most things here are uninteresting rocks. 

Cool looking space station!

A while ago, we passed this cool looking space station, it was kinda small and it didn't look like anyone was home. Anyone know what's up?

Here's a picture of it I snapped from my telescope

Howdy howdy howdy!

 Hey all! Is this thing on? 

For those who don't know, I'm Starla and this is my blog!! 

I'll be using this like a sorta "captain's log" or whatever. I can't promise that i'll write in here all the time, but i'll try!

Usually, most of my time is spent in transit, from one station to another, so life gets pretty boring. I won't bore you with details, but i'm sure I'll have lots to talk about!!!

Maintenance Problems, plz help!

  Hey out there! Does anyone else have a ship with a solid-core reactor? I have one on mine and it doesn’t seem to be generating enough elec...